How to Make Sure Your Newborn Session is Easy Peasy
We like to provide a guide to all parents of the newest littles coming into the studio.
Here is a list of some of the suggestions we make to the session super relaxed for super exhausted parents.
First, be sure your little gets a cozy bath (sponge, or otherwise) a couple hours before you leave for your session.
Let them be awake and kick a little if they're calm and happy.
Be sure to let them eat as close as possible to getting in the car- NO MATTER THE DISTANCE.
Bring along a pacifier if you are okay with them having one. I will never replace food with a paci, but, sometimes, the simple graze of a pacifier on their lips with, well, pacify them. ;)
I am a firm believer that your little feels alllllll your feelings.
If you are stressed, they are stressed.
If you are calm, they are calm.
I PROMISE you can come into the studio and just...breathe. We will be sure to care for your precious little love and give you a chance to "regroup" as you so deserve.

The most important thing is to know that I promise to give you the most relaxing, memorable experience that you deserve.